How Much Are Veneers?

Since veneers can be made of a variety of materials, their price will vary depending on the material used. In addition, the provider and the location where you obtain your veneer may also affect the price.

What are veneers made from?

Typically, the best veneers are made of a porcelain material. There are many types, but the main types are emax porcelain and layered porcelain.

Emax is a highly functional type of porcelain and is less likely to chip or crack, while layered porcelain has a nicer aesthetic but is more likely to chip. Porcelain is the best material for veneers, but it also costs the most.

Composite and resin veneers

Materials such as resin or composite are also used to make veneers. Also known as laminates, these types are usually inexpensive and a decent choice if you are planning to use them for only one to two years.

Though fairly inexpensive, resin and composite veneers have their drawbacks. They chip and stain easily and are only a short-term solution. When choosing veneers, it is worthwhile to note that a larger investment tends to give you veneers that last longer.

Other Underlying Factors

Another factor that raises the price of veneers is the training your dentist has undergone. Whenever an oral healthcare specialist receives more extensive training, the prices tend to reflect this.

The best option is to see a provider who does veneers often and can do them in a timely fashion. Our cosmetic dentists at Dallas Dental Arts have gone through extensive training, but this reduces the risk of the service going wrong and requiring you to have it redone.

On another note, custom orders can be very expensive with any provider.

How Much Will Getting a Veneer Cost Me?

Now that we have explained factors that increase or reduce the price of veneers, how much can they run? Again, it all depends.

A veneer can cost as little as $600 and as much as $2,000 per tooth. The laminate (resin or composite) veneers may cost you about $3,500 for the front six teeth.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have porcelain veneers that can usually run about $1,700 per tooth. If a custom color and layered porcelain are desired, the order usually has to be sent to a laboratory where it can be made, which boosts the cost of the veneer to about $2,000 per tooth.

We recommend speaking to your cosmetic dentist so he or she can walk you through the best veneer options for your smile.

If you are looking for an experienced veneer specialist, don’t hesitate to contact Dallas Dental Arts for a consultation. We’re located on 2100 Ross Avenue, Suite 960, Dallas TX 75201.

2100 Ross Ave Suite 960
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 999-0110

Office Hours:

Monday — Friday:
8:00am to 4:00pm